BUS 735: Business Decision Making and Research
Fall 2010
Information Exams Take Home Exam 1 Dataset: health.sav Take Home Exam 2 Dataset: leisure_wages.xls In-class Exercises
Thursday, September 16: Regression Analysis Thursday, September 30: Logistic Regression Analysis Thursday, October 7: Analysis of Variance / Covariance SPSS Instructions Thursday, October 14: Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance: SPSS Instructions Thursday, October 14: Dataset for quiz: comptraining.sav Thursday, October 28: Dataset for quiz: wiearnings.xlsx Thursday, November 4: Random Variables and Probability Dataset: appliances.xls Homework Homework problems making use of datasets in Abu-Bader, Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods for Social Science Research can be downloaded from the Lyceum Books Student Resources.
Thursday, September 9: Homework #1
Thursday, September 16: Homework #2 Thursday, September 30: Homework #3
Thursday, October 7: Homework #4
Thursday, October 14: Homework #5 Thursday, October 21 Homework (due in two weeks): End of chapter 15 (Taylor text) problems 11, 29, 30, 31, 35. Thursday, November 11 Homework: End of chapter 12 (Taylor text) problems 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19. Class Notes Note: Each set of class notes has two versions: A set of slides that is convenient for viewing and a printer friendly version. DO NOT PRINT THE 'SLIDES', THEY ARE VERY VERY LONG. The printer friendly version has exactly the same content but takes much less pages. You may print the printer friendly version.
Thursday, September 9: Introduction to Statistics / Univariate and Bivariate Tests
Thursday, September 16: Regression Analysis
Thursday, September 23: ANOVA / Overview of Methods
Thursday, September 30: Logistic Regression
Thursday, October 7: Analysis of Variance / Covariance
Thursday, October 14: RANOVA: Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
Thursday, October 21: Introduction to Forecasting
Thursday, November 4: Introduction to Probability
Thursday, November 11: Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Thursday, November 17: Linear Programming
Thursday, December 2: Transportation / Assignment Models
Thursday, December 9: Network Models |