Project Information
Annotated Bibliography due November 1, 2017
Description of six (6) sources
R Tutorial: Tips for working with IPUMS data in R
Take Home Exam 2
Due on Friday, December 15, at 9:00 PM to the D2L Dropbox folder
Take Home Exam 1
Due on Wednesday, October 18, at 5:30 PM to the D2L Dropbox folder
Module 10: Decision Analysis
Module 9: Transportation & Assignment Models
Class Notes
- Transportation models: Taylor Ch 6, pp. 237-244
- Assignment models: Taylor Ch 6, pp. 251-253
Module 8: Linear Programming
Class Notes
- Graphical Solution: Taylor, Ch 2, pp. 31-45, 48-53
- Computer Solution: Taylor, Ch 3, pp. 74-77
- Sensitivity Analysis: Taylor, Ch 3, pp. 82-93
- Example: Taylor, Ch 3, pp. 93-95
- More Examples: Taylor, Ch 4, pp. 114-127
Module 7: Analysis of Variance
Class Notes
- One-way ANOVA: FMF, Ch 10, pp 399-414, 447-449
- Multiway ANOVA: FMF, Ch 12, pp 501-511, 520-530
- Kruskal Wallis test: FMF, Ch 15, pp 674-686
Data set: jobsat.RData
Module 6: Binary Variables in Regression
Class Notes
- Logistic regression: FMF, Ch. 8
Data set: jobsat.RData
Module 5: Multiple Regression
Class Notes
- Multiple regression: FMF, Ch. 7, pp. 261-263(top), 276-284
- Assumptions: FMF, Ch. 7, pp. 271-273(top)
In-class Exercise: Regression
Wed Oct 18
Homework: Regression
Due on Wed Oct 25
Module 4: Bivariate Relationships
Class Notes
- Correlation: FMF, Ch. 6, pp. 205-212 (skim math); 219-225
- Chi-square test of independence, FMF Ch. 18, pp. 815-816(top)
- Bivariate regression: FMF, Ch. 7, pp. 245-253, 256-260
No Homework Due for Oct 11
Worksheet: Correlation and Regression
For exam practice, be able to do problems 1, 2, 3, and 4(a)
For regression exam practice: Know how to interpret the meaning of coefficients in regression; conduct hypothesis tests on the regression coefficients.
Module 3: Visualizing Means
Class Notes
by Hadley Wickham and
Garrett Grolemund
Chapter 3
Module 2: Univariate and Bivariate Statistics
Class Notes
R tutorials:
FMF, Ch 9, pp. 368-397
In-class Exercise: Bivariate Stats
Data set: electricity.RData
Homework: Bivariate Stats
Data set: facebook.RData
Due Wed, Sept 20, to D2L Dropbox
Module 1: Introduction to Statistics
Class Notes
- Intro to statistics:
FMF Ch 2 - All of it, but skim the math - R environment: FMF Ch 3, pp. 62-83
- Online tutorial for first-time R user:
R Resources
Installing R
- Rstudio is a great Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This is the graphical user interface that you use to interact with R, which is actually a separate software package than the R computing package.
- R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. You can learn more about it and when you are ready, download R to install to your Windows, Linux, or Mac computer.
Online Tutorial
- Online tutorial for first-time R user:
James Murray, Ph.D.
  403T Wimberly Hall  608-785-5140
Office Hours Appointments
Office hours appointments are available with only a one-hour notice, and are generally available at the following times:
- 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Monday through Thursday
- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Monday and Wednesday
- 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Friday