Practice Exams

Final Projects

Financial Behaviors

Dataset: findata.RData

Code book


Data: gymdata.RData
Survey: Gym Demand Survey

Grand Bluff Race Management

Data: grandaddata.RData
Survey: Half Marathon Survey


Live Client Presentations

Narrated PowerPoint

  • Use your same PowerPoint presentation that you give live to your client
  • Optional: You may edit the PowerPoint slides if you see fit
  • Record audio for every slide
  • Export as video
  • Due Wednesday, December 20 at 5:00PM

Final Report

First draft due Friday, December 8 at 11:59PM
Final draft due Wednesday, December 20 at 5:00PM
Final Report Description and Rubric

Scaffolding Assignments

Mini Presentation (1-2 Minutes)

  • In-class on Thursday, December 7
  • I will pick one member of your group at random
  • Have one or two slides prepared with results (table or plot)
  • Describe your finding

Data Exploration Group Assignment due Wednesday, November 29 at 11:59PM

Stastical Modeling HunkeR: Hands on out-of-class help on using R for your research projects.
Monday, November 27, 5:30PM - 7:30PM

Module 7: Survey Design and Implementation

Class Notes

Slides, Printer-Friendly


  • Errors in survey research: Zikmund, Ch 9, pp. 184-193
  • Questionnaire design: Zikmund, Ch 15, pp. 333-349


In-Class Exercise

Questionnaire Due Tue Nov 21
(final project groups)

Module 6: Ethical Considerations in Research

Class Notes

Slides, Printer-Friendly


Zikmund, Ch 5, pp. 89-93


NIH Tutorial on Protecting Human Research Participants
Due Tuesday, November 7

Module 5: Proposing New Research

Class Notes

Research Process:
Slides Printer Friendly

Research Proposal:
Slides Printer Friendly


Zikmund, Ch 6, pp. 106-118


Research Proposal: Pick One
RFP: Tourism
RFP: Training Programs
Expectations / Grading Rubric
Group Assignment Due Fri Nov 3

Peer Observation Guide
Due before class Thurs Nov 9

Final Draft due Tue Nov 14

Module 4: Bivariate Relationships


Zikmund, Ch 22, pp. 531-533 -skim over math-

Ch 23, pp. 561-566 -skim over math-


Module 3: Data Visualization

Class Notes

Best Practices

Slides Printer Friendly

R tutorials:


R for Data Science
by Hadley Wickham and
Garrett Grolemund
Chapter 3
Zikmund, Ch 25, 622-628.


Group Homework Assignment

Literature Review
Due Mon Oct 23 11:59PM

PowerPoint Video Presentation
Due Fri Oct 27 11:59PM

Module 2: Univariate and Bivariate Statistics

Module 1: Introduction to Data

Statistics Tutorial

Introduction to Data


Scale of measurement:
Zikmund, Ch 13, 293-298

Datacamp Tutorials

  • Factors: Due Fri Sept 8
  • Data frames: Due Sat Sept 9
  • Language of data: Due Sun Sept 10

R Resources

Installing R

  • Rstudio is a great Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This is the graphical user interface that you use to interact with R, which is actually a separate software package than the R computing package.
  • R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. You can learn more about it and when you are ready, download R to install to your Windows, Linux, or Mac computer.


Online Tutorials

Assigned online tutorials:
  1. Join via the email you received from
  2. Click Groups in top menu
  3. Find ECO 230: Business... and Go to the Group
  4. The first tutorial, Intro to basics is due Wednesday Sept 6 at 11:59 PM!
  5. There are more due Sept 8, 9, and 10!

Another online tutorial for first-time R users: (optional)


James Murray, Ph.D.

  403T Wimberly Hall

Office Hours Appointments

Office hours appointments are available with only a one-hour notice, and are generally available at the following times:

  • 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Monday through Thursday
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Monday and Wednesday
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Friday
  Make office hours appointment