Exams and Practice
Final Projects
Client presentations
Thursday, May 3 during class
Room TBA
All others: Final exam period
- 12:40 T H Class
Tuesday, May 8, 2:30-4:30PM
Room 306 Wimberly - 2:15 T H Class
Thursday, May 10, 4:45-6:45PM
Room 306 Wimberly
Final Report
Final Report due Friday, May 11 at 5:00PM
Markdown Template: uwlreport.Rmd
LaTeX support file (required): uwlreport-template.latex
UWL Logo (required): uwllogo.png
Final Report Description and Rubric
Scaffolding Assignments
Data Exploration Group Assignment due Wed Apr 25 at 11:59PM
Annotated Bibliography due Fri Apr 27 at 11:59PM
Stastical Modeling HunkeR: Hands on out-of-class help on using R for your research projects.
Mon, Apr 23, 5:30-7:30PMRoom Wing 6
Mon, Apr 30, 5:30-7:30PM
Tue, May 1, 5:30-7:30PM
Room TBA
Module 9: Data Visualization
Class Notes
by Hadley Wickham and
Garrett Grolemund
Chapter 3
Zikmund, Ch 25, 622-628.
Module 8: Bivariate Relationships
Class Notes
Zikmund, Ch 22, pp. 531-533 -skim over math-
Ch 23, pp. 561-566 -skim over math-
Module 8: Data Visualization
Class Notes
by Hadley Wickham and
Garrett Grolemund
Chapter 3
Zikmund, Ch 25, 622-628.
Module 7: Univariate and Bivariate Statistics
Class Notes
-skim over math-
In-class exercise:
RMarkdown document
PDF document
Tuesday, March 22
Upload to appropriate D2L dropbox.
RMarkdown document
PDF document
Due Tuesday, April 3
Upload to appropriate D2L dropbox.
Module 6: Introduction to Data
Statistics Tutorial
Scale of measurement:
Zikmund (Textbook), Ch 13, 293-298
Free Online Book: R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
Datacamp Tutorials
- The first course, Introduction to Data is due Monday, March 5, 11:59 PM!Expected Completion Time is 4-5 hours
- The second course, Introduction to the Tidyverse is due Monday, March 12, 11:59 PM!Expected Completion Time is 4-5 hours
Module 5: R Resources
Installing Software
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. You can learn more about it and when you are ready, download R to install to your Windows, Linux, or Mac computer.
Rstudio is a great Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This is the graphical user interface that you use to interact with R, which is actually a separate software package than the R computing package.
MiKTeX is software for compiling LaTeX and Markdown documents. LaTeX and Markdown are markup languages, which are alternatives to using word processing software. With markup languages, you type code to dictate what a document should look like, then compile this code to create a pretty document. The software is free and open source. You can download here. When you do so, download and install the "Net Installer" 64 bit, and select the "Complete" installation.
Online Tutorials
- Join via the email you received from Datacamp.com
- Click Groups in top menu
- Find ECO 230 Spring 2018 and Go to the Group
Another online tutorial for first-time R users: https://tryr.codeschool.com/ (optional)
Module 4: Sampling Design
Module 3: Survey Design and Implementation
Class Notes
- Errors in survey research: Zikmund, Ch 9, pp. 184-193
- Questionnaire design: Zikmund, Ch 15, pp. 333-349
Example Surveys
Bike Survey (Needs a lot of work)
YMCA (Stronger)
Memorial Pool (Even Stronger)
In-Class Exercise
Due Wed Feb 14, 11:59 PM
Qualtrics Questionnaire
Due Wed Feb 21, 11:59 PM
(See directions on exercise link above, page 2)
Survey Approaches
Class Exercise
Due Tue Feb 20, 11:59 PM
Module 2: Proposing New Research
Class Notes
Research Process:
Printer Friendly
Research Proposal:
Printer Friendly
Zikmund, Ch 6, pp. 106-118
Research Proposal: Pick One
RFP: Tourism
RFP: Training Programs
Annotated Bibliography due on Mon, Feb 5, at 11:59PM
Full proposal due Fri Feb 9, 11:59 PM Expectations / Grading Rubric
Peer Observation Guide
Peer obs due Fri Feb 16, 11:59PM
Self-reflection due Wed, Feb 21, 11:59PM
Final Draft due Fri Feb 23, 11:59PM
Module 1: Ethical Considerations in Research
Class Notes
Zikmund, Ch 5, pp. 89-93
NIH Tutorial on Protecting Human Research Participants
Due Thursday, January 25
James Murray, Ph.D.
  403T Wimberly Hall  608-785-5140
Office Hours Appointments
Office hours appointments are available with only a one-hour notice, and are generally available at the following times:
- 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Monday through Thursday
- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Monday and Wednesday
- 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Friday