All functions |
Definition of the GeomRecession |
abbreviated_units |
abbreviated_units_dollar |
Download data and add to existing *ecodata* data frame |
Add 'ecodata' to the class of a date frame |
Create a data frame describing how ecodata variables should be cited |
Create a table describing how ecodata variables should be cited |
ecodata_colorscale |
Compute Year-over-Year Percentage Change |
Get a description of an ecodata data frame |
Create a table describing variables in an ecodata data frame |
Get a Given Attribute for All Columns |
Get FRED API key |
Get all frequencies |
Get Data Sources |
Get all units |
Full join multiple ecodata data frames |
Perform a linear interpolation for missing values |
Modify the y-axis scale to use abbreviated comma formatting while keeping other settings intact. |
Modify the y-axis scale to use dollar formatting while keeping other settings intact. |
Modify the y-axis scale to use percent formatting while keeping other settings intact. |
Set the FRED API key |
Theme for ecodata plots |
Theme with large text |
Theme with normal-size text |
Theme with small-size text |
Keep rows that match a condition |
Get a geom_rect() that identifies recessions |
Download economic data from FRED or World Bank |
Retrieve data from World Bank Data for all countries |
Get state-level FRED data for all U.S. states |
Download a single variable from FRED or World Bank |
Download single variable for a single country from World Bank Data |
Download a single variable from FRED |
Get data for a single variable from World Bank Data |
Get all variable names |
Function to return standard frequency types |
Get NBER recession dates |
Get the two-letter abbreviation for a state |
Get the FIPS code for a U.S. state |
Get FIPS codes for all U.S. States |
Get name of a U.S. State |
Get a variable code from a FRED or World Bank Data URL |
Get a variable code from a FRED URL |
Get a variable code from a World Bank Data URL |
Extract variable code from World Bank Data URL |
Add a geom recession layer |
Create bar plot for ecodata variables |
Create faceted time series plot for ecodata variables |
Create time series plot for ecodata variables |
Get a glimpse of ecodata |
Get a glimpse of ecodata |
Test if a string is empty |
Test if a string is a valid URL |
Compute maximum frequency |
Compute minimum frequency |
Create and Modify Variables |
Create and Modify Variables |
Function to standardize time series frequency label |
Function to standardize time series frequency label |
Compare two strings, ignoring case and whitespace |
Detect a pattern in a string, ignoring case |
Detect a pattern in any of a vector of strings |
Test if String is Empty |
Test if String Not Empty |
Test if String Not Empty |
Get index into string where a pattern if found |