Practice Exams

Exam 1 - Monday, March 11
Practice Exam
R Code and Output

Exam 2 - Monday, May 13, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Practice Exam

Homework Answer Keys
Homework 1 Answers
Homework 2 Answers
Homework 3 Answers
Homework 4 Answers


Final Project Guidelines and Deadlines

Final Presentations
Presentations are Monday, May 5
Group 1: 5:30 - 7:20 PM
Group 2: 7:30 - 9:00 PM
See Canvas for the schedule
Presentation Instructions
See Oral Presentation and Data Analysis pages of the Final Project Rubrics

Final Paper
Due Friday, 17, 5:00 PM
Presentation Instructions
See Written Communication and Data Analysis pages of the Final Project Rubrics

Annotated Bibliography due Monday, April 29, 5:30 PM

Rstudio assignment: Preparing your data
Put your data in and prepare it for analysis.
See the preparedata.R file in the Final Project Rstudio project.
Upload the .R script to Canvas
Due April 24, 5:30 PM

Rstudio writing assignment: Data description
Load the prepared data into an RMarkdown file and describe and provide summary statistics for each variable.
See the datasummary.Rmd file in the Final Project Rstudio project.
Upload the RMarkdown file and PDF file to Canvas
Due April 24, 5:30 PM

R Tutorials:
Using IPUMS Data in R

Constructing Your Model
Upload to Canvas
Upload to Shared Google Drive to share with the class
Due Mon April 8, 5:30 PM

Refining your Idea Writing
Upload to Canvas
Upload to Shared Google Drive to share with the class
Due Mon March 25, 5:30 PM

Brainstorming Writing
Due Mon March 4, 5:30 PM

Module 8: Forecasting

April 22 (Week 12)


Hyndman and Anthansopoulos,
Ch 3 and Ch 8

Class Lessons

Time Series Forecasting


Datacamp due Mon Apr 22
Forecasting in R
Do your best and take pride in your work for full credit

Module 7: Panel Regression

April 8 (Week 10)


Stock and Watson, Ch 10, pp. 350-365, 368-372


Module 6: Binary Dependent Variables

April 1 (Week 9)


Stock and Watson, Ch 11, pp. 385-398.


Assignment Homework 4: Binary Dependent Variable
Use resources in to complete this assignment.
Due Mon Apr 8 5:30 PM

Multiple and Logistic Regression
Graded based on effort. You may follow Hint and Show Answer without penalty.
Due Monday, April 1, 5:30 PM

Module 5: Data Visualization

On Your Own


Data visualization with ggplot
Graded based on effort. You may follow Hint and Show Answer without penalty.
Due Monday, April 1, 5:30 PM

Module 4: Heteroskedasticity

March 25 (Week 8)



Assignment Homework 3: Heteroskedasticity
Use resources in to complete this assignment.
Due Mon Apr 1 5:30 PM

Module 3: Multiple Regression

February 18 - February 25 (Weeks 4-5)


Datacamp courses:

Modeling Data Tidyverse
Due Mon Feb 25 5:30 PM

Data visualization with ggplot
Graded based on effort. You may follow Hint and Show Answer without penalty.
Due Monday, April 1, 5:30 PM

Assignment Homework 2: Introduction to Regression
Use resources in to complete this assignment.
Due Mon Feb 25 5:30 PM

Module 2: Introduction to Regression

February 11 - February 18 (Weeks 3-4)

Module 1: Introduction and Review

January 28-February 10 (Weeks 1-2)


Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals:
Stock and Watson, Chapter 3
(Focus on concepts and intuition, not the mathematical details)

Getting started in R:
Wickham and Grolemund
Chapter 1, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5


Datacamp courses:
Intro to Tidyverse
Due Mon Feb 4 5:30 PM

Intro to T-tests
Due Mon Feb 11 5:30 PM

Assignment Homework 1: T-Tests
Use resources in to complete this assignment.
Due Mon Feb 18 5:30 PM



Haley Maus is available for tutoring!


  • Monday's 1:00-4:00 pm
  • Tuesday's 7:00-9:00 pm
  • Thursday's 1:00- 3:00 pm
Room 327 Wimberly

Make an appointment at

Please only make appointments during above available times. Other times are designated for other classes.


Stock, James H. and Watson, Mark W., (2015), Introduction to Econometrics, Third Edition (Updated).

Available in UWL Textbook Rental

Online Textbook

Heiss, Florian, (2018), Using R for Introductory Econometrics

Available for free online

Programming in R Guide

Wickham, Hadley, and Grolemund, Garrett (2017), R For Data Science

Available for free online

Time Series and Forecasting in R

Hyndman, Rob J. and Anthonasopoulosm, George (2018), Forecasting: Principals and Practice

Available for free online

R Resources


Datacamp is a commercial service that provides automated interactive online "courses" in data science and coding. You will be assigned several of these courses that cover introductory statistical programming using the R programming language. The service is provided for free to students in higher education.

Please join the Datacamp class site specific to this offering of ECO 307. Once logged in, you will see several courses assigned with due dates. Courses take approximately 4 hours to complete and you will be given one week to complete the courses when assigned. You do not need to complete the course all at once. You may log in and out and complete small amounts throughout the week. Your work is saved automatically.

Please follow this link to join the ECO 307 Datacamp course:

RStudio Cloud is a free online platform for using R that does not require installing any software and makes collaborating with other users easy.

Please join the ECO 307 instructor RStudio workspace using the link below. With this workspace, you can see what we do in class and copy files relevant for your project.

Installing Software

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. You can learn more about it and when you are ready, download R to install to your Windows, Linux, or Mac computer.

Rstudio is a great Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This is the graphical user interface that you use to interact with R, which is actually a separate software package than the R computing package.

MiKTeX (Windows)
MiKTeX is software for compiling LaTeX and Markdown documents. LaTeX and Markdown are markup languages, which are alternatives to using word processing software. With markup languages, you type code to dictate what a document should look like, then compile this code to create a pretty document. The software is free and open source. You can download here. When you do so, download and install the "Net Installer" 64 bit, and select the "Complete" installation.

MacTex (Mac)
MacTeX is software for compiling LaTeX and Markdown documents. LaTeX and Markdown are markup languages, which are alternatives to using word processing software. With markup languages, you type code to dictate what a document should look like, then compile this code to create a pretty document. The software is free and open source. You can download here.


James Murray, Ph.D.

Interim Associate Dean | College of Business Administration
Associate Professor of Economics

  138 Wimberly Hall

Office Hours Appointments

Office hours appointments are available with only a one-hour notice:

  Make office hours appointment